Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wargames Factory War of Spanish Succesion French Figures

This is a unit of the Wargames Factory War of Spanish Succession 28mm figures. They are painted up to match the Aunis Battalion. I do not play wargames so it could be wrong on some of the aspects of the uniforms but I did quite a bit of research to try and get it as close as possible. They are not painted up to a level of a single figure but they are passable for a table top standard. My goal with this type of project is to show them in mass rather than as a competition level single figure. That basically means I do not have the time nor the desire to spend the time on each individual figure as I do for a single display figure.

As anyone who has worked on these figures will know, even unpainted the eyes on these figures are huge. They are just sculpted like they are startled. I tried to get them down smaller but they still need some work. The close ups of the eyes make them look like they can see the future so I will probably go back and try to reduce them somewhat.

Despite that I would recommend them to anyone looking to get into the era of the WSS as Wargames Factory has complete set of infantry, cavalry, and artillery for this era. No figure is perfect and people have raised issues with them but for me the only drawback is the eyes and that can be overcome with painting. These are a nice solution to getting a lot of figures of this era done for a good price so check them out.

The plan for this project is three more infantry battalions of this size, one cavalry unit, and a unit of artillery. The other units will be different French regiments that were involved in the WSS.The long term goal is to have a matching set of British and Allied units to show the diversity of uniforms in this Old World conflict that is unknown to many in outside of Europe.


  1. Great work Kevin, most impressive. Keep up the good work.
    Michael Gadd IPMS Qld

  2. Thanks Michael. These are one group of figures that are fun to paint and look good when ranked up. It is a nice change of pace from single figure displays. I appreciate your comments and greetings to the Queensland IPMS group.


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